Hurricane Damage In Florida and Texas

Creating an Emergency Plan to Protect Your Property

We know that hurricane season is just around the corner, and with a record-breaking season last year, it’s more important than ever to be prepared. Not only can these storms wreak havoc on your property, but they can also be a burden on your finances. In fact, the National Hurricane Center revealed that the recent Hurricane Harvey resulted in approximately $125 billion in property damage in Texas.

As property damage claim lawyers in Houston and Fort Lauderdale, we’ve seen all kinds of damage that can be inflicted on properties by hurricanes. Hurricane damage in Houston and Texas can be extensive, with strong winds, heavy rainfall, and potential storm surges causing widespread destruction to homes, infrastructure, and businesses. Similarly, Florida and Fort Lauderdale face the risk of high wind speeds and torrential rains during hurricanes, leading to property damage, power outages, and road closures. In preparation for hurricane season, we recommend taking these steps to protect your property.

Florida and Texas Hurricane Survival Guide: Steps to Take Before a Hurricane Warning

Did you know that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration already has predicted an above-average hurricane season this year? With that being said, it’s crucial to take the necessary steps to protect your family and household in the event of a hurricane. Along with being prepared for when the hurricane strikes, it’s also important to review your insurance policy. Our property damage attorneys provide an overview of the steps you should take before a hurricane warning is issued in your area.

Emergency Hurricane Kit

You should also make sure you have a hurricane survival kit prepared; it’s important to remember that the storm can shut off your power and water supply; it’s best to stock up on essential items. This should include items like non-perishable food, water, generators, a first-aid kit, and a flashlight. Having a hurricane survival kit can be vital, especially in the event of evacuation or disruption of essential services.

Document Damages

Often, it can be impossible to predict the kind of damage that may arise from a tropical storm or hurricane. However, after the storm has passed, it’s vital to document all damages with photos and videos that can support evidence for your property damage claim.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Sifting through paperwork may be the last thing on your mind when a hurricane strikes. However, it’s essential to understand the terms in your policy, especially if you need to file a hurricane property damage claim. Reviewing your policy can give you insight into what damages are covered and what is not.

You should also make sure your policy is up to date to ensure that you are fully covered for the damages after a hurricane. Unfortunately, not all insurers are fair to policyholders and can result in denials or a lowball settlement offer. At Schirmer Law we can help you understand your coverage and assist you with filing your claim.

Contact Fort Lauderdale and Houston Hurricane Damage Claims Lawyers

We understand property damage of any kind can be a stressful experience, and you may not know where to start. Our dedicated team can help you understand your coverage and help with any disputes that may arise with your insurance company. When facing challenges with any of the steps of the claims process, you can turn to Schirmer Law for legal assistance.

Let us help you secure the compensation to which you are entitled under your policy. Contact us today at 754-260-5410 to schedule a free consultation. Learn more about hurricane property damage claims as well as our offices in Houston and Fort Lauderdale


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